Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Another Way to Reduce Your Risk Of...

It's a strange phenomenon. People are sooo much more interested in losing weight than their health.

I've seen it enough to know it's true.

Articles about fat loss and six pack abs are much more likely to be read than an article on reducing your risk of heart disease.

So I urge you to take the time to think about the articles you read.

And I also urge you to take the time to read this brief one from my partners over at Prograde.

They reveal a very interesting study about multi-vitamins and decreases in heart attack risk.

Yours in health,

PS - A great way to provide your body with the nutritional foundation you need each day is a Whole Foods based multi-vitamin. Prograde has a terrific one called VGF 25+ that is made from 25 veggies, greens and fruits.

The best part is you can try Prograde's VGF 25+ for FREE! (There's just a small S & H charge)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What to NEVER Eat After You Workout

My partners over at Prograde have just released a shocking 39 page special report.

Not only is it eye-opening info, but it's absolutely FREE. Which is absolutely stunning because they should be charging for it.

And who knows? Maybe they'll start to, but for now you don't have to pay so be sure to rush over to this link below and get your copy.